CUNY • October 19-21, 2012

Call for Papers

Deadline for abstract submission: July 1, 2012

The 43rd annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society will be held at the City University of New York on October 19 – 21, 2012.

Invited speakers are:

Tarald Taraldsen (CASTL, University of Tromsø)
Robert Frank (Yale University)
Juliette Blevins (CUNY Graduate Center)

The general conference will be followed by a special one afternoon workshop on computation and theoretical linguistics. The workshop themes are: computational approaches to theoretical linguistics and the use of theoretical linguistics in computational systems

Abstracts are invited for talks and posters on any aspect of theoretical linguistics. Talks will be 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Submissions are limited to at most one single-authored and one co-authored paper or poster per individual, or two co-authored papers or posters. Please indicate whether your submission is for the general conference or the workshop.

Abstracts should be no more than 2 pages long (A4 or letter-sized). This includes data (which can be interspersed throughout the text), and references. (Minimum 11 pt. font, 1-inch or 2.5-cm margins and standard character spacing and line height should be used). Submissions should not reveal the author’s/authors’ identity in any form.

Please make your submissions in pdf format through the EasyAbstracts system from March 31st to July 1, 2012.